MapShare Live Location Tracker

by Belltane


not available

Live Shared GPS location tracking. Track the locations of friends and family in near real time (up to 4x per minute). as they move around.
Just add Mappers from your Contacts to share up-to-date locations with friends and family.
Eliminate 'Where are you now?' calls and texts.
Easily find the rest of your group in large spaces.
Auto map tracking:
Follow a single Mapper at any Zoom Level.Follow all Mappers at the closest Zoom Level.Manual follow.
Assign custom icons by Mapper:
Gallery or Take Picture. Change your own MapShare Icon Assign photos to Mappers for Map Icons. Change as often as you like.
Control Location Sharing by user.
Map, Satellite, or Terrain view.
Icon Fade feature when a mapper stops sharing.
SSL encrypted.Both parties must enable GPS location tracking with each other. No one else can track your location.No Account or Personal Information required. No data stored on our servers.